5 habitudes alimentaires saines à intégrer dans votre vie

Une alimentation saine est une chose à laquelle nous aspirons tous, mais il n'est pas toujours facile de la mettre en pratique !

5 Healthy eating habits to follow

These 20 healthy eating tips from Sweat trainers can help you to get back on track and make healthy food choices part of your daily life.

1. Commit to making a small change for 30 days

Small changes can make the biggest difference! Think of one eating habit you can change that will benefit your health and stick to it for a full 30 days. Here are some ideas:

  • Say no to takeaway food
  • Commit to drinking an extra glass of water each day
  • Skip the snacks while watching TV

This might be difficult at the start and the first week will be the hardest! Challenge yourself to commit to the full 30 days and watch for the signs that your health is on track.  

2. Start simple

Rather than cutting certain foods out of your diet, try swapping them for something else. Instead of eating highly processed foods, go for something unprocessed. Instead of a chocolate bar, you can choose a piece of fruit. Switch a packet of chips for hummus and veggies, or swap takeaway for a homemade meal. Instead of an energy drink, soft drink or soda, you could choose sparkling water or kombucha.

3. Find healthy foods that you really enjoy

Kelsey Wells’ number one tip is to find healthy foods that you love to eat! Instead of forcing yourself to eat something you hate just because you know it’s healthy, choose foods that you actually enjoy eating and fill your diet with these.

For example, if you really don’t like kale, that’s okay, there are other foods that are just as good for you! Healthy eating should always be enjoyable and never a chore.

4. Eat fruit when you want something sweet

Fruit is a great alternative to desserts which may contain high amounts of refined sugar and saturated fat. Sliced fruit with plain yoghurt and cacao nibs is just one idea of a healthy option you can have to satisfy your sweet tooth.

There are also heaps of healthy dessert recipes on the Sweat blog, including apple donuts and nice cream.  

5. Eat protein with every meal

Making sure that you eat protein at every meal will not only help you reach your recommended protein intake but it is proven to help you to feel fuller for longer. This can be helpful if you have a fat loss goal.

Adequate protein is also especially important for people who are training as it is required to build and repair muscle tissue. Learning how to combat protein myths and understanding how to build muscle on a plant-based diet while you balance all of your energy needs is important to ensure that you have the energy you need for your workouts.  

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